Корисні ресурси

1. English Grammar (на цьому ресурсі Ви маєте можливість покращити навички письма для повсякденного та офіційного спілкування шляхом виконання різноманітних завдань)

2.English Grammar Secrets ( Чи добре Ви знаєте граматику? Перевірте свої знання, виконуючи граматичні завдання з різних тем. Якщо Ви невпевнені в собі, перегляньте теоретичний матеріал, а потім починайте виконання вправ!)
3. Using English  Тести, вікторини, вправи, ідіоми, фразові дієслова, роздатковий матеріал, конспекти уроків та інше! Завітайте на сайт!
4. English Club  допоможе Вам вивчати та викладати англійську мову. Від уроків для тих, хто вивчає мову до роботи для викладачів, ігри. відео. вікторини...
5. British Council  Вивчайте англійську на курсах для дітей та дорослих, перевіряйте свій рівень за допомогою інтерактивних вправ, складайте міжнародні іспити, навчайтеся у Великій Британії.
6. Learning English Learn the news about the USA, watch educational videos, check your reading and listening comprehension skills

7.Edpuzzle - is an online service that allows users to edit video, add voice comments and questions on the studied material . The most remarkable thing - that you can use existing databases and instructional videos YouTube, KhanAcademy, LearnZillion and others; This significantly accelerates the search of educational material. It is also possible to keep track of the students who have already viewed the video and how to cope with the proposed tasks.
8. EduCanon - An online platform that allows to make  video tutorials and related tasks in a few minutes . To create a lesson the teacher needs only to determine the theme and purpose of the activity and enter it into the search box , and looking for a suitable platform to request a video on YouTube and Vimeo. Master can only select the desired video and add -choice questions in a special panel.

9. Service, VideoNotes despite its simplicity , can be used for many different tasks. When you are watching a video using this  service a panel of notes appears on the right, they are  synchronized with the video timeline . This is very useful if the teacher wants to break the video into pieces or ask questions to a specific part of the video ; or, for example , if he wants to receive feedback from the students. Also, all notes can be stored on GoogleDrive. 

 10. Teachem a platform that allows you to create an educational  course. Just select the necessary video on YouTube ( or copy the link to search for directly into the platform) , to prepare questions for each lesson and give access to the students. Students answer questions in a service interface , and their responses are sent to the e-mail of  the teacher .

11. Blubbr - Extremely joyful tool for creating quizzes based on YouTube videos. The principle is simple: a piece of a video is shown then, by multiple-choice questions follow; then more and more questions appear . It takes five or ten minutes to create a quiz and the pupils will have a lot of fun.

11. ZaptionPlatform helps to  create not just a video, but the whole online manual , including pieces of  the video, images  and texts Zaption helps you to choose the video on the topic you need  from YouTube, Vimeo, National Geographic and many others. Questions made up by the teacher , will be seen during watching but not at the end.

12. With Blendspace  teacher can conveniently organize all the information related to the topic of the lesson and share it with the class. These can be files, images , links. In addition, the service offers the teacher the opportunity to prepare questions and control the process of solving the tasks. 

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